Sep 11, 2020
2020 was going to be the year of the brand refresh for the data and analytics company, Information Builders. CMO Carol McNerney came on board in January to help bridge the gap between the company’s 45-year history and its desired future, and despite all of the challenges this year, they’ve successfully rolled out an ambitious (and fascinatingly unique) rebrand.
In over 200 episodes, this is the first rebrand with a logo where the old name (Information Builders) is embedded into the new one (ibi). The goal was not to erase the brand’s heritage but to incorporate it into its present and future the same way that ibi’s technology promises to embed intelligence into customer data. Tune in to today’s episode to hear Carol share how ibi rebranded successfully amidst #WFH challenges—completely redoing the website, getting employees on board and excited, and launching the brand to customers in an online event with a global reach.