Apr 29, 2017
Digital rock star and Spotify’s Global Vice President for Growth & Marketing, Mayur Gupta, joins us in this week’s podcast to talk predictive marketing, lack of separation in online and offline worlds, and why quality beats quantity when it comes to consumer acquisition. With over 15 years of experience in leading...
Apr 22, 2017
There are three salient features of creativity, regardless of the form it takes: It’s new, it’s everywhere, and everyone can do it. This week we switch it up on RTU to talk to the expert on creativity, Larry Robertson. Robertson’s latest book, The Language of Man, tackles the biggest myth about creativity, and...
Apr 15, 2017
At one point in our inspiring conversation, Chandar Pattabhiram says "I've always believed that people buy candles not because they need candles, but because they need light." As CMO of Marketo, Chandar brings a floodlight to the world of marketing, leading to an episode of Renegade Thinkers Unite you won't want...
Apr 8, 2017
Every brand strives to build emotional connections with its constituents but few have succeeded in the manner of Pete Krainik, founder and CEO of The CMO Club. Starting from scratch in 2007, Pete has built a remarkably collaborative membership of over 800 senior marketers that meet regularly in 22 US cities and...
Apr 1, 2017
Ryan Linders, VP CRM, Loyalty, and Marketing Analytics at Sally Beauty provides a rare glimpse into the initial phases of building a customer loyalty program from scratch. You'll learn how Linders got the program off the ground and how Sally Beauty provides value to customers and gets it back in terms of membership fees...