Jun 16, 2017
Is the key to immortality for brands simply about finding the right moment for reinvention? When Ron Chemow’s Hamilton became Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Broadway sensation, Global Head of Corporate Marketing Aniko Delaney recognized the opportunity for BNY Mellon to reach new audiences. Affectionately called the Hamilton campaign, “Invest In Our Legacy” managed to not only to honor BNY Mellon’s founder Alexander Hamilton but also to modernize the brand.
So far, her team’s modernization efforts have paid off in big ways, with triple-digit increases in engagement and brand awareness on Twitter, Linkedin, and Facebook. In this podcast, we’ll examine how Delaney and her team capitalized on the Broadway Show, Hamilton, to help BNY Mellon’s marketing cut through. You’ll learn how to identify moments of opportunity for reinventing your brand, the importance of having a message that resonates across all social platforms, and the keys to keeping a seasoned brand relevant.